Application Form / Download

Hong Kong Star-Vocal Singing Competition 2024

Click Here to Register


The 16th Hong Kong Students Speech Competition

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to download Application Form of Group

The 16th Hong Kong Teenage Art Competition

Click HERE to download Calligraphy Material

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 3-5 years old : Chinese Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 3-5 years old : English Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 6-8 years old : Chinese Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 6-8 years old : English Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 9-11 years old : Chinese Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 9-11 years old : English Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 12-14 years old : Chinese Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper – 12-14 years old : English Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper -15-18 years old : Chinese Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Writing Paper –15-18 years old : English Pen Calligraphy

Click HERE to download Application Form

The 15th Dancing Star Competition

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to download Application Form of Group

The 15th Hong Kong Mathematics Cup

Click HERE to download Application Form

The 13th Hong Kong Chinese Literacy Cup

Click Here to download Specific Articles and Reference Examples

Click HERE to download Application Form

Hong Kong Star-Vocal Singing Competition 2023

Click HERE to download Application Form



The 15th Hong Kong Kids Open Singing Competition

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to download Application Form of Group



The 15th HK Outstanding Teenager Open Piano Competition

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to download Application Form of Group

Click HERE to Read Competition Pieces, Categories and Age limit


Colour of Dreams International Drawing Competition and Exhibition

Click HERE to download Application Form

The 4th Teenager Hong Kong Open Competition for Chinese Instrumental Music

Click HERE to download Application Form

The 11th Hong Kong Open Competition for Orchestral Instruments

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to Read Competition Pieces, Categories and Age limit

ArtEx Rainbow International Art Contest 2019

Click HERE to download Application Form

The 5th Brainy Kids IQ Challenge

Click HERE to download Application Form

Click HERE to download Sample 1

Click HERE to download Sample 2

Click HERE to download Sample 3

18 Responses to “Application Form / Download”

  • June

    What is the application deadline for the Chinese Literacy Cup 2012. My daughter is in K1.

  • Rachel

    The 3rd Hong Kong English Spelling Cup

    I would like to know if group K2, what time would it be held? Could you send me more details by email? Thanks.

  • Fei

    中文認字盃的K3指定文章有錯,”已”即到”, 應該是”己”即到”,” 不論用餐就坐或”何”走”, 應該是”不論用餐就坐或”行”走”, 哪明天小朋友應照讀還是怎樣?

  • Au Chi Yuen


  • Linda Wu


  • Ada C

    請問第五屆全港幼稚園及小學公開朗誦比賽是那一間主辨機構? 如何報名?

    • admin

      1. 填妥報名表連同報名費劃線支票,支票抬頭【Star Kids Art Development Centre】,支票背面請寫上參賽者姓名、所參加比賽、組別及聯絡電話,(本中心不接受期票及現金),郵寄至本中心。
      2. 將報名費存入本中心中國銀行帳戶 012-70800019824,填妥報名表連同入賬收據 郵寄 / 傳真 / 電郵 (請註明參賽者姓名、所參加比賽、組別及聯絡電話)至本中心。
      郵寄 : 九龍旺角亞皆老街8號,朗豪坊辦公大樓22樓2203室
      傳真 : 3423 4500 電郵 :

  • Cherry

    RE:第五屆全港幼稚園及小學公開朗誦比賽,請問K1可吾以古詩作誦材? THANKS

  • admin

    Why is there no application form for the The 5th Hong Kong Kids Open Singing Contest? I thought is was being held this year because your events calendar said so.

  • mrs wong

    sorry, i cannot download the application form of the speaking contest and the contents.
    can you send it to me by email?

    • admin


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