(Competition Arrangements) The 15th Hong Kong Students Speech Competition

尚未回覆確認資料電郵之參賽者,請盡快回覆。參賽者必須攜帶有效有相之學生証 / 學生手冊或身份證明文件按報到時間到達。報到時請遞交誦材副本(如於遞交報名表時已一併提交誦材副本除外) 。

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Hong Kong Star-Vocal Singing Competition 2024


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(Result) The 16th Hong Kong Teenage Art Competition

所有得獎者均獲邀請出席2024年9月1日(星期日)之頒獎禮,詳情將稍後電郵通知。 得獎者之證書、分紙及獎盃將於頒獎禮中頒發;其餘參加者之證書、分紙將於2024年9月15日前寄出,如郵寄地址有更改請盡快電郵通知。

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(Result) The 15th Dancing Star Competition

卓越指導學校/老師獎, 積極參與指導學校/老師獎及各項組別獎項

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(Result) The 13th Hong Kong Chinese Literacy Cup

All winners are invited to attend the award ceremony , details will be notified by email at a later date. The certificates and trophies of the winners will be presented during the award ceremony; the certificates of the remaining participants will be mailed out before May 31, 2024. If the mailing address is changed, please email as soon as possible.

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(Result) The 15th HK Outstanding Teenager Open Piano Competition

卓越指導學校/老師獎, 積極參與指導學校/老師獎及各項組別獎項

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(Result) The 15th Hong Kong Kids Open Singing Competition


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(Result) Hong Kong Star-Vocal Singing Competition 2023

各組別獎項, 台風獎及全場人氣獎結果

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The 15th Art Hong Kong Teenage Competition – Awarded Showcase (Australia)

Date : 12-14 October 2023, Time : 10:00-16:00

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