Rules and Regulations

1. All candidates must stay until the end of the competition.

2. Score sheets will be given to all participants at the end of the competition.

3. All candidates should arrive at the competition venue on time. Latecomers can only perform at the end of each round. If latecomers have not arrived by the final round of the competition will be considered “no-shows”, and will not be permitted to perform on stage. The application fee will NOT be refunded.

4. Competitors who arrive late will be allowed to perform on stage, but may not compete for any prizes. Judges will provide late competitors with a written assessment, but will not award a score.

5. The Organizing Committee reserves the rights to cancel any competition level if necessary. In case of any cancellation, the affected candidates will be notified and the application fee will be refunded.

6. The Organizing Committee DOES NOT accept any request to change the competition arrangement (e.g. performing order, date, time, etc.).

7. If the candidate fails to attend the competition, he or she will be marked as absent; and the application fee will NOT be refunded.

8. Adjudicator has the right and full discretion to stop performance at any time.

9. The organizing committee has the right to disqualify any contestant who violates any of the rules and regulations stated above. No refund of Application Fees will be given under these circumstances.

10. The organizing committee reserves the right to amend or rescind any regulation, award or judge pertaining to the Competition without any prior notice.

11. The organizing committee reserves the right of final decision in case of uncertainty or dispute.

12. Candidate should only perform one piece within the stipulated time limit. Performances exceeding the specified time may be terminated.

13. All rounds of the competition will be recorded and videotaped. The copyright of all audio and visual recordings belongs to the properties of the organizer.

14. The Organizing Committee has the exclusive rights of all recordings, and the audio and video recordings may be used for advertising purposes.

15. In the event of a dispute, the Chinese version of this prospectus is definitive.



* Champion: an award certificate and a Champion cup.

* 1st runner-up: an award certificate and a trophy.

* 2nd runner-up: an award certificate and a trophy.

* Outstanding Performance Award: an award certificate and a medal.

1. Score sheets will be given to all participants at the end of the competition.

2. The three top scorers in each group must have scores of 85 or above in order to receive First-, Second-, or Third-prize.

3. “The Outstanding Performance Award” winner must score 80 marks or above and completed in a group of more than 10 candidates.

4. “The School Excellence Award” will be presented to piano school with the highest aggregate scores and the most winners. The piano school with the most participants will receive “The Most Active Participant Award (School)”.

5. “The Tutor Excellence Award” will be presented to the piano tutor with the highest aggregate scores and the most winners. “The Most Active Participant Award (Tutor)” is for the piano tutor who has the most enthusiasm and participation in the competition.

6. Prize-winners will receive the following certificates based on their final scores:

Certificate of Merit: a score of 70 or above

Certificate of Participation: a score of 69 or below

7. Prizes for each class will only be awarded if contestants reach the standards set by the organizer.

8. Adjudicators and Organizing Committee have full discretion in the distribution of prizes.

2 Responses to “Rules and Regulations”

  • Damon

    關於第四屆全港幼稚園及小學公開朗誦比賽The 4th Hong Kong Teenage Art Competition, 有以下問題想查詢一下:
    1. 報名截止日期為?
    2. 報名方法以團體, 學校 或個人名義報名有否分別?
    3. 報名費用團體, 學校 或個人名義報名有否分別?
    4. 有幾種語言的比賽? 是否包括英文, 國語??
    5. 組別如何劃分? 語言及年齡組別??
    6. 比賽日期, 時間, 地點? 英文, 國語為同一日??
    7. 獎項跟網頁中所指列舉的一樣?

    • admin

      1. 報名截止日期為? Mar or April 2012公佈。
      2. 報名方法以團體, 學校 或個人名義報名有否分別? 沒有。
      3. 報名費用團體, 學校 或個人名義報名有否分別? 沒有。
      4. 有幾種語言的比賽? 是否包括英文, 國語?? 英文、普通話、粵語、曰文、法文及西班牙文,現正考慮會否增加韓語。
      5. 組別如何劃分? 語言及年齡組別?? 英文、普通話、粵語以學校年級分組,曰文、法文及西班牙文則以年齡分組。
      6. 比賽日期, 時間, 地點? 英文, 國語為同一日?? 比賽日期, 時間, 地點未有資料請留意本網頁。所有語言將於同一日內進行比賽。
      7. 獎項跟網頁中所指列舉的一樣? 是。

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